About Stephanie

About Stephanie

I have always had a deep love for animals and have always admired and loved horses but it wasn’t until I began working with them for the therapeutic benefit that they provide to people that my life became quite centered around them.  In the course of my journey, I came to realize that the horses were helping the people but the horses weren’t always receiving the same benefit.  It was then that I made my commitment to help the horse.  

I learned about the Masterson Method when I saw the techniques being used on a horse that was exhibiting some behavioral issues but I really became aware of its value when one of our horses was having some performance issues. Meet Lincoln (pictured to the right), who is a trail horse. We began to question if it was time for retirement due to how uncomfortable he was on the trail but Lincoln was not of retirement age (12). Two days after his first Masterson Method session, we went for a trail ride and he was a different horse, literally from the minute that he hit the trail.  He looked as if he was walking on a cloud and I had never seen that much movement in his hind end.  He immediately went into a full gallop the minute he got into the woods, it was like he was saying, “I’m back and I feel incredible!”  We got Lincoln back that day!  I watched him be transformed right in front of my very eyes.  My Masterson Method journey began the next day!  I had found what I had been looking for to help the horse.  

I am trained and certified as a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP), Masterson Method Equine Specialist (MMES), Coach, Mentor, MMES Instructor and a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI) with PATH Intl. (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International).

“Being able to work and be with horses every day as my career and to support them in this way is soul touching work for me.   I can’t talk to anyone about horses and what I do without smiling and my passion and excitement simply can’t be contained.  I love helping people connect with themselves and their horse in a very special and profound way helping them to reach their greatest potential as individuals and as partners.”
— Stephanie Pfitzer, High Point Equine Bodywork