equine therapy, horses, therapy horses

Where it all began…

I began my deeper work with horses over a decade ago and my start was with equine assisted services program horses as I volunteered and became certified as a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI) through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.). Those of us in the equine assisted services world know how hard equine assisted service work is on horses on so many levels (physically and psychologically) and I began to see how hard it was on the horses that I worked with. I learned of the Masterson Method when seeing it being used on a horse that was exhibiting some behavioral problems in the equine assisted services program that I was working with. So, I took a detour from my equine assisted service path to focus strictly on the horse. After completing an extensive training and certification with the Masterson Method (Masterson Method Certified Practitioner-MMCP), along with another certification specific to Equine Assisted Service Programs (Masterson Method Equine Specialist-MMES), I am now bringing my combined certifications and knowledge to support equine assisted service programs. I feel that horses in this line of work need bodywork. Bringing bodywork to these programs not only benefits the horses (less burnout, happier, more balanced bodies, less tension and compensatory issues, etc.) but it benefits the participants, volunteers, instructors, staff and even donors on many levels, (trust, connection, etc.)!

What I offer:

  • Individual bodywork sessions for program horses

  • Group demonstration clinics with program horses

    • Staff and Instructors

    • Volunteers

    • Participants

    • Donors (a great way to connect and engage your donors to help enhance support)

    • People in your network (a great way to gain future volunteers and donors)

  • Special customized programs based on your program and participants.

Supporting Equine Assisted Service Programs

  • supporting program participants in equine assisted service programs

    Supporting program participants

    when supporting horses in equine assisted service programs with equine bodywork we also support program participants and clients in a powerful way.

  • supporting program horses in equine assisted service programs

    Supporting program horses

    when supporting horses in equine assisted service programs with equine bodywork we see decreases in burnout, happier horses and less tension.

  • creating a culture of equine bodywork in equine assisted service programs

    Creating a culture

    Adding equine bodywork to equine assisted services programs can change the culture of the program, engaging not only the horses and participants but also the volunteers, instructors, staff and even donors.

Supporting Equine Assisted Service Programs through interactive demonstrations/trainings and equine bodywork

There are three types of demonstrations/trainings that I offer to equine assisted service programs and it is dependent on the program.  I also offer individual bodywork sessions with program horses that need deeper work to enhance overall well-being (decrease burnout, happier, more balanced bodies, less tension and compensatory issues, etc.).  Please reach out to discuss your program and we can determine together which type of demonstration/training and bodywork needs will best fit your program. I was in Non-Profit Management for 15+ years as a Development Director and Executive Director and involved with equine assisted service programs for 5+ years as a volunteer and Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (PATH Intl.).  

I’m also on the education team with the Masterson Method and if there is interest in hosting a Masterson Method Equine Specialist Course at your barn I would love to discuss this further.


Our afternoon at Mending Arrow Ranch, Equine Service Program in Cleveland, TN, Demonstration Clinic on April 3, 2022

Well the pictures say it all! Kayla Davis runs an incredible program and I was lucky to meet Kayla several years back as I was beginning my journey into equine assisted therapy. To watch what Kayla has done with her program is incredible and inspiring! After I became a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner, I started spending more time with Kayla and her horses to support the horses and her program. These horses work so hard and they deserve the gift of bodywork. Kayla and I decided in early April 2022 to offer a 2 hour Masterson Method clinic to support and give back to the herd at Mending Arrow Ranch and to introduce more people to Mending Arrow Ranch and to me so that I can share what I do to support horses. What a wonderful afternoon it was! We had 9 participants and an auditor and all of the horses and everyone did such a wonderful job not only helping the horses to release tension in their bodies but also seeing how this form of bodywork helps to build connection and trust with horses. This type of work is incredible for equine assisted programs and I love to see programs really changing the culture of their programs by including this piece. We were able to kick off the Spring session and the upcoming new covered arena at Mending Arrow Ranch that day, what a special day it was! Stay tuned as we are planning to do more demonstration clinics at Mending Arrow Ranch so come learn with us and take it back to your horses and/or your equine service programs. Stephanie Wilkins, High Point Equine Bodywork

What People Are Saying

“Incorporating the Masterson Method into the work of Bridle Paths has helped us to build a culture and community based on relationship, communication, connection and trust, where individual abilities and perspectives matter and are valued.  The Masterson Method affords us a nuanced understanding of our horses based on curiosity and authenticity, which improves the safety and effectiveness of the services we provide.  We incorporate these techniques into our work every day in service to the horses and humans of Bridle Paths.”
— Katie Fallon, Founder and President, Bridle Paths, Leesburg, VA
“I am so impressed with Stephanie and her work on the Masterson Method on our horses.  I run a local equine assisted therapeutic program, Mending Arrow Ranch, and our horses work so hard for all of our students.  I had one mare that was not responding well to other therapies we had tried.  I warned Stephanie before starting on this mare that she was very sensitive and was having a hard time.  This mare stood so still and was at peace with every movement Stephanie made.  I was amazed to say the least.  Every horse that was exposed to this new method showed a difference in their demeanor.  I can't thank Stephanie enough for the love and support she has shown our equine partners.  What a true blessing!”
— Kayla Davis, CEO/Founder Mending Arrow Ranch, Cleveland, TN