Masterson Method Interactive Demonstrations

I have offered countless Introductory Masterson Method Interactive Demonstrations in addition to a few collaborative clinics in Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama.

The interactive demonstration is a wonderful way for me to meet and connect with those in the horse community needing and wanting to support their horse in a unique and profound way.

By supporting horses and riders through the Masterson Method form of bodywork and through the Interactive Demonstrations, I can help riders receive not only the benefit of helping to release tension in their horse’s body but the added benefit of building more connection and trust with their horse partner.

Scroll down to learn more about:

  • the types of interactive demonstrations that I offer.

  • my calendar of upcoming demonstrations/appearances.

  • how to become a host or to sign up.

  • enjoy my gallery of pictures of past demonstrations.

Interactive Demonstrations

  • Introductory Masterson Method Interactive Demonstration - (2 1/2 hours) - Most Requested

    Cost: $75/participant, $40/audit (local rate). Minimum of 4/Maximum of 6 participants depending on facility size. This is an introductory interactive demonstration where you learn about the Masterson Method and a few basic techniques. Participants get to work directly with the horse practicing the techniques with Stephanie there to help. Cost and minimum number of horses vary for demonstrations greater than 60 miles away from the local area due to travel time and mileage.

  • Learning to Connect - (2 1/2 hours)

    .Cost: $75/participant, $40/audit (local rate). Minimum of 4/Maximum of 6 participants depending on facility size. In this demo, I’ve combined past experiences and training after seeing in equine bodywork the impact that a rider’s tension (body/mind) and way of riding can have on the horse (body/mind). This demonstration teaches participants how to become aware of their bodies, tension patterns and how to use this awareness to decrease tension and better support their horse along with learning a Masterson Method technique to help the horse release tension, ALL to build a stronger connection and partnership. Cost and minimum number of horses vary for demostrations greater than 60 miles away from the local area due to travel time and mileage.

2024 Interactive Demonstration Dates and information

Come learn what this incredible method of bodywork is all about and help improve performance, connection and your relationship with your horse. AND meet like-minded horse people!

For more information about each of these interactive demonstrations visit:
I generally post each demo Facebook event out 1 month prior to the demo date. If you are interested before this, simply reach out and we can go ahead and get your registered early to secure your spot.

Methods of payment: Venmo: highpointequinebodywork or PayPal: If paying by check (payable to High Point Equine Bodywork), payment must be received before securing your spot. Please list the demo you’ll be attending. Pre-Registration and Payment is due prior to the demo clinic to secure your spot, there is no day of registration.

Refunds: please check your availability and time commitment before registering for a demonstration clinic as the groups are small and when you register you take someone else’s spot. Refunds are not provided.

If you are interested in hosting a group interactive demonstration at your barn, it’s a great morale booster and I’m always looking for new locations, please contact me directly below.

If you are interested in getting on the list for an upcoming group interactive demonstration, please contact me directly below.


I offered 25+ Interactive Demonstration Clinics in 2023 and am planning my 2024 calendar now so if you’d like to host an Interactive Demonstration and get on my calendar now is the time to reach out. Contact information is below.

Saturday, March 9 (PRIVATE DEMO)
Pony Club Clinic 12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Etowah, TN

Saturday, April 27 (PRIVATE DEMO)
November Run Equestrian 10 am-12 pm Eastern Time
Adairsville, GA

Saturday, May 4 (PUBLIC DEMO)
Collaborative clinic with Stephanie Pfitzer (Masterson Method) and Alex LaPierre (Myofascial Bodywork)
10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Eastern Time
Meant to bBb, Woodstock, GA

Sunday, May 19 (PUBLIC DEMO)
”The Barn” Equine Assisted Service Program
1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Maryville, TN

stay tuned as more interactive demonstrations will come online and follow me at High Point Equine Bodywork on Facebook/Instagram as I’ll be promoting each one as they become available.

Scroll down for pictures from past demonstration clinics!

Contact me.

I would love to talk with you further about hosting an interactive demonstration, participating in one or to simply answer any questions that you may have. I’ll be in touch soon!


Gift Certificates Available

What People Are Saying

“I first took a clinic with my horse last Winter and was intrigued and amazed at the results I saw in my horse. Stephanie has since worked on releasing a myriad of muscles that were inhibiting movement and comfort in my horse. She has the gift of connecting with the horses and reading their responses, respecting their answers and gently requesting their trust for her to release the source of tension that they inevitably hold. I am a recreational horse owner but appreciate how important balance and comfort is for our equine friends. Her work is as important as farrier care, nutrition, saddle fit and stabling. And yes, it feels good for the horse but it allows them to move better and don’t we all want that?”
— Marie Miller, Lookout Mountain, TN
“I've attended several of Stephanie's group demonstrations. I was somewhat familiar with the Masterson Method as I had read the book and practiced several techniques on my horses. During the first demo, I learned that I needed to slow way down and how to better read the responses that a horse was giving while experiencing the work. Stephanie’s teaching and her kind energy around the horses helped me to reach a new level of understanding of how much we as humans can affect their nervous system. I witnessed participants connecting and achieving amazing releases from their horses within a short period of time. Stephanie has a wonderful ability to teach others simple effective techniques that will aid in supporting the longevity of the horse and increase the physical and emotional connection between the individual horse and human. The following week I booked Stephanie for a full bodywork session for 2 of our horses. Our horses really enjoyed the work and continued to release for several days.”

— Brita Cumberton, Charleston, TN

“Stephanie Wilkins is a gifted bodyworker. She is also an educator, a disseminator of knowledge and a sharer of experience. She brings great care and compassion with her practice and creates a space where animals and humans both grow in awareness and soundness. Stephanie has become a dear and trusted friend as well as a collaborator in my training program. I highly recommend attending one of her many clinics and inviting her to work on your animals. She is one of the treasures here in the Tri-State area and I'm blessed to know her.”
— Terina Drumm, Signal Mountain, TN
“We had a great time when Stephanie came out to our farm for an interactive demonstration. She took time to explain the science behind the technique as she worked through the demonstration. Then we got our chance to try some of the basics with our own horses. Rendezvous loved all of it; I've never seen him more relaxed. I also learned where he was carrying some pain and stiffness which is especially important for my older guy. Thank you, Stephanie!”
— Janna Jahn, Chattanooga, TN