Group Demonstration at Beginagin Farm in LaFayette, GA

Interactive Group Demonstrations help participants and auditors learn more about High Point Equine Bodywork and the Masterson Method.   This was a day for owners and riders at beautiful Beginagin Farm in LaFayette, GA to learn how to help release tension and build better connection and trust with their horse(s).  And what a great day it was!

As a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP) and former educator seeking to expand my network and grow my business I decided to begin offering group demonstrations to riders and horses in our area.  To get started I did some research and created a list of barn owners, equine service programs, clubs/associations, etc. in our area to contact to discuss the possibilities.  One of my first calls was to Mrs. Lorri Hayward-Vincent at Beginagin Farm in LaFayette, GA.  Mrs. Lorri is an incredible horsewoman and offers many clinics at her barn.  Her farm, facilities, and horses are simply the perfect environment for teaching and learning.  I knew that she would be a wonderful person to work with and to learn from! To say that I was excited when she said that she wanted to host a 2 hour Masterson Method Demonstration is an understatement.  Within a couple of weeks, Mrs. Lorri’s contacts had almost reached capacity for the demonstration.  What a wonderful start to expanding my network to supporting more horses and riders!

On Saturday, January 15, 2022, the Demo day was here!  We had social time from 12:30-1 p.m. which was a wonderful way to get to know one another and it really set the stage for a great learning experience.  I began the demonstration with introductions and teaching everyone about what the Masterson Method is, how it works, the levels of touch (using visual aids:  an egg yolk, grape, lemon and lime) so that everyone could feel what those terms mean.  Yes, I made everyone touch an egg yolk!  Then we moved into the covered indoor arena lined with the horse’s stalls (it really was a perfect set up).  I used one of Mrs. Lorri’s horses, Scamp, as my demo horse and demonstrated each of the Masterson Method techniques that the participants would  learn - he was such a wonderful partner.  Then each of the participants paired up with the horse that was assigned to them (all from Mrs. Lorri’s farm) and we spread out in the arena and they began practicing the techniques.  I moved through the entire group teaching and providing support.  

We had a mother/daughter team in the group who partnered together to practice the techniques on the daughter’s horse.  In our introduction time, the daughter had shared some of her concerns about her horse, not just in her body but also her challenges in connecting with her horse.  It was absolutely incredible to watch her horses response to the Masterson Method - there was such an obvious connection!  I recently received a message from the daughter as she has continued to use the techniques that she learned at home on her horse and she said, “I am blown away by her huge releases and relaxation, this stuff is wild!”  We had another horse who simply laid down during the demonstration, not once but 3 times.  I was so proud of his owner for being patient and simply supporting him as he did this.  After he finished, her face said it all when she said:  “I was just doing the Bladder Meridian?!”  I hate that I wasn’t able to capture this really special moment with a photo or video but I was focused on the participant and her horse.  It was definitely a moment that will be remembered by ALL who were there that day!  Honestly, it was incredible for me to watch all of the participants work with the horses.  Each one had their own experience with their horse.  It is always wonderful to see the horses relax and release - AND the participants and auditors too! 

After we finished the interactive demo, we put the horses away and went back inside to finish up the day.  I finished with asking the question, “what is your takeaway from today?”  It was very interesting to listen to all the different things that people shared and the excitement to take what they had learned home to their own horses.  

My takeaway from the day:  This demonstration exceeded all of my expectations and more.  I am an equine bodyworker who uses the Masterson Method technique of bodywork to help horses release tension in their bodies.  I believe in the Method, and regularly see how the Method allows us to build a stronger connection and bond with our horses on the ground and under saddle.  By teaching some of the basic techniques to horse owners/riders we allow them to also experience that beautiful opportunity.  I will continue offering group demonstrations as I absolutely love doing them and it allows me to expand my network and grow my business supporting more horses and riders in our community and it simply brings more people to know the Masterson Method.  I already have demos scheduled every month through April with other requests coming in!  Keep them coming!! And I am gaining new clients through the process, clients that I might not have ever crossed paths with!  Thank you so much to Mrs. Lorri and her horses at beautiful Beginagin Farm for having me and all the wonderful participants and auditors who came for an afternoon of learning!  

If you’re interested in learning more and hosting a group demonstration, visit my group demonstration page on my website: and if you are involved with an equine service program visit: Please reach out and let’s talk about the possibilities and let’s set a date for your group demonstration. If you’re interested in attending a demonstration stay tuned to the demonstration page or reach out and I’ll add your name to the list for the next available demonstration!


Horse Reactivity